From Riau to Gorontalo: The Excitement of Prime UMM

Author : Humas | Monday, February 10, 2025 09:18 WIB
UMM's Language Center (LC) organized an English competition called the Proficiency and Mastery in English (Prime) Competition, held to national standards (Photo: Special)

English language skills are essential in today’s world, particularly in an era of rapid technological development. In line with this, the Language Center (LC) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) hosted a national-level English language competition titled the Proficiency and Mastery in English (Prime) Competition on February 5, 2025.

“There are three categories in the competition: general English proficiency, assessed through the TAEP test; speaking, evaluated through the focus group discussion (FGD) technique; and writing, which measures academic writing skills,” explained Adi Surya Irawan, the chief organizer.

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He explained that this event aims to support the use of English and the internationalization programs developed by UMM. According to him, there is currently a lack of national-scale English competitions with a strict and structured selection system. So far, most competitions focus on just one specific skill, such as speech or spelling bee, without assessing overall English language proficiency.

This event also highlights UMM as an educational institution committed to mastering foreign languages and promoting the development of English communication skills among students. The competition is expected to provide valuable experience and create broader opportunities for students to develop their potential at the national level.

In the future, Prime is planned to become an annual event at UMM’s White Campus. With full support from the campus leadership, Prime is expected to continue growing and make a positive impact on the world of English education in Indonesia. Notably, in 2026, Prime UMM will introduce special categories for students, further expanding the scope of the competition. Additionally, the high enthusiasm from participants is evident, with 280 high school students from various regions across Indonesia, from Riau to Gorontalo, competing in this year’s event.

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The participants came from diverse backgrounds and various regions across Indonesia, including Riau, Banten, DKI Jakarta, East Kalimantan, NTB, and even Gorontalo. After a rigorous selection process, 181 participants advanced to the second stage, and only the top 101 made it to the final round. “This is also our way of encouraging students to continue their studies at UMM, an institution that prioritizes language proficiency and academic excellence,” he concluded. (nam/wil/mrh)



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