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Indonesia's Coordinator Minister for Human Development and Culture Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, MAP. In the Haul Akbar Leluhur dan Dzuriyah Kyai Ageng Basyariyah Sewulan Event (Photo: Lintang PR) |
Indonesia's Coordinator Minister for Human Development and Culture Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, MAP. attended the Haul Akbar Leluhur dan Dzuriyah Kyai Ageng Basyariyah Sewulan on August 5, 2023. The haul, held at Ponpes Al Hidayah Kutorejo, Mojokerto, also became a forum for gathering and praying together for the Indonesian nation to be safe and peaceful. More than 157 kyai and figures attended the haul event.
Only some people know that Muhadjir is a progeny of Kyai Ageng Basyariyah or Raden Bagus Harun. He shares a similar ancestor with Indonesian President KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur). Many national and pesantren figures were also born, both in the past and now. For example, Mbah Sambu Lasem, Mbah Maimun Jubair KH. Ahfas Faishol Baidlowi Lasem, Gus Baha, and others.
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On that occasion, Muhadjir also sat with kyai from various pesantren, including kyai from Nahdhatul Ulama (NU). For example, KH Agus Sabuth Pranoto Projo, Gus Hadi, Gus Indra from Al-Mukarromah Madiun, and others. They chatted and followed the haul solemnly.
In his welcoming speech, Muhadjir said that since he was a child, his father often invited him to introduce the family line, including making pilgrimages to various graves in the month of Shuro and Eid. One of the graves that he never forgot was the grave of Ki Ageng Basyariyah in Sewulan.
According to him, this Haul event is an attempt to strengthen the chain of dzuriyah and brotherhood. The goal is solely to uphold Islam and remind that the previous ancestors were heroes. Therefore, he invited the guests and relatives to work together to build Negara Kesaturan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) (trans: the Republic of Indonesia).
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"Our lineage are the mujahids and fighters of the nation and the forerunners of the development of Islam in Indonesia. Therefore, we must also pray for them to be accepted on the best side of Allah SWT," Muhadjir said before inviting the guests to sing sholawat together.
On the other hand, the caretaker of Ponpes Al-Hidayah KH.R. Mashadi Prawiranegara was grateful for gathering many dzuriyah and families. According to him, keeping in touch and meeting with family is difficult in the modern era. Thus, he is glad that he could gather the progeny of Kyai Ageng Basyariyah.
"There is Gus Sabuth, some are in the military, some are in the government. One of them is Minister Muhadjir, who is known for his simplicity," he explained.
Gus Hadi hopes that this haul can become a routine agenda not only for friendship but also as an event to pray for the good of the Republic of Indonesia. Maintaining unity and praying together for the peace and tranquility of Indonesia.
KH Agus Sabuth Pranoto Projo led the prayer. Gus Sabuth, as he is often called, prayed with the invitees so that the Indonesian people would always be safe and prosperous. Able to become a country that is baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghofur. (Put/Wil)