The process of health checks before vaccination. (Photo: wildan/public relations) |
Contributing to the acceleration of vaccination, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a mass vaccination in two days, from July 31 to August 1, 2021. This event was a follow-up to the coordination between UMM and the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, a few days earlier. A total of 5,000 vaccines were prepared to be distributed to the academic community and the big family of UMM, and the general public.
UMM Chancellor Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd., said that UMM had long contributed to the pandemic situation through the GESIT program. Through this movement, White Campus continues to campaign for vaccinations and health protocols, empathize and care for the community, and synergize with various parties in overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the GESIT movement was also implemented through UMM initiatives in easing the burden on the community, especially those who were directly affected. In addition, he also emphasized the importance of taking care of yourself to make Indonesia free from Covid.
Meanwhile, Zakarija Achmat, S.Psi. M.Sc., as the field coordinator of the vaccination, explained that there were 5,000 doses to be given in two days of implementation. Meanwhile, they target large families of the academic community and the general public who have not been vaccinated. “Ms. Khofifah, the Governor of East Java, will also be present on the second day to monitor the progress of this plan.Cannot be separated this event from the support of the East Java Provincial Government, which continues to encourage the Covid-19 vaccination awareness movement," he continued.
Zakarija, his nickname, said that this event has a different concept than vaccination in other places. Call it a band appearance from alumni and students who will entertain the health workers and participants. Uniquely, they will wear personal protective equipment (PPE) and level 2 and 3 hazmats.
Finally, he also briefly discussed the UMM GESIT program, which had been promoted since the beginning of the pandemic. As explained by Zakarija, GESIT stands for Intensively campaigning for vaccinations, Empathy for the community, Synergy with various parties, Initiative, and Strictly implementing prokes. "Hopefully, the vaccination carried out by UMM can contribute and reduce the number of Covid-19 transmission in the wider community," he concluded. (wil)