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PWM JATIM regularly holds Ramadan Discussion Activities every year (Photo: Rino PR) |
Economic jihad must be done in massive numbers, structured, and systematically. This was emphasized by the Chairman of Pimpinan Pusat (PP) (Trans: the Central Executive) Muhammadiyah, Prof. Dr. Haedar Nasir, M.Sc., when opening the Ramadan Discussion at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) on March 25, 2023. In that agenda, the inauguration of the Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah (PWM) (Trans: Regional Leadership of Muhammadiyah) took place, and the launch of dozens of books by Muhammadiyah writers.
In this discussion, UMM also presented a reliable speaker on the theme of 'Membangkitkan Jihad Ekonomi' (Trans: Generating Economic Jihad). There are the Chairman of Kadin and the Chairman of the Asean Business Advisory Council (BAC), Mohammad Arsjad Rasjid PM, Founder of the People's Economic Institute Sutrisno Lukito, Economist and Special Staff of the President for Economic Affairs, Dr. Arief Budimanta S, M.Sc. And the others.
Furthermore, Haedar appreciated PWM East Java and UMM, who had pioneered discussion on aspects of economic jihad. This aspect of jihad was indeed one of the decisions at the Muktamar Muhammadiyah in Makassar in 2015 and continues to be developed, for example, by establishing forums and embryos in the Muhammadiyah merchant action and revitalizing the charity and economical business that has been initiated in the county. Then, networking can be created and can be integrated.
"UMM is a business charity with very strong economic practices. Especially in terms of business units which are currently at the forefront," said Haedar.
Moreover, Haedar affirms the need to reorient several things to do an excellent economic jihad. First is the theological aspect encouraging Muslim communities to pay attention to the world. In that way, Muslims can have a good economy and give some of their wealth to those entitled through zakat or infaq sadaqah.
Second, it is the reorientation of the action strategy. Then, Practical acceleration, where capital is built, such as MSMEs or small businesses, must be upgraded, including the business units in the business charity that should be more capitalized. With these three things, it is expected that Muhammadiyah's economic jihad can arise and run well.
On the same occasion, the Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.AP., judged that the theme carried was quite stinging and could be a good challenge. Moreover, there are already many competent figures in the economic aspect.
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On the same occasion, the Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.AP., judged that the theme carried was quite stinging and could be a good challenge. Moreover, there are already many competent figures in the economic aspect.
"Muhammadiyah is already leading in the aspects of education and health. One of the proofs is when facing the Covid 19 pandemic. Muhammadiyah is very prominent in its contribution to overcoming it," said Muhadjir.
Likewise, with the disaster anticipation, Muhammadiyah also makes a significant contribution. Not only at the national level but also internationally. For example, by sending volunteers to the earthquake disaster in Turkey some time ago. They even built an emergency hospital there. "So Muhammadiyah also needs to develop the economic aspect through economic jihad," he said.
UMM Chancellor Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd also conveyed not much difference. This Ramadan discussion is an event held routinely every year by PWM East Java. Even though it is routine, this discussion should not be stuck in a routine mindset. Ideas and things must be generated and have a positive impact.
Fauzan evaluated that the demographic bonuses and golden Indonesia in 2045 are ready to welcome. The question is, How prepared is Muhammadiyah to take advantage of it with the contribution that Muhammadiyah will make to realize Indonesia 2045? "This dome is a evidence that Muhammadiyah will do the economic jihad and contribute to the nation," he concluded. (put/wil)