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Ir. Kusnadi Ikhwani, owner of Geprek Group, giving motivation to graduates (Photo: Special) |
Humans must have the keys to the success of three hamzahs, namely Amanah, uswah hasanah, and charity. All three are capital to navigate the harsh times and get opportunities. It was conveyed by the owner of Geprek Group and an alumnus of UMM who was lined giving motivation Ir. Kusnadi Ikhwani. The presentation was presented at the 102nd graduation ceremony of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) on Tuesday (25/1). The recurring event is carried out in several waves by adhering to strict health protocols.
Kusnadi, his nickname, started his motivation with a business trip story. Beginning as a consultant in various companies, he finally quit and started a business in the early 2000s. He sells fried rice, chicken noodles, meatballs to grass ice. Hoping to find opportunities to get more sustenance.
"I believe that in every difficulty, there must be ease. Finally, in 2010 I went home and started selling fried chicken and became the first fried chicken in Indonesia. Alhamdulillah, until now Geprek Group has 38 branches in various cities and more than 400 employees," he said.
The man who is also the Supervisory Board of Lazismu Sragen also gives a recipe to become a successful person—starting with a proactive attitude that will provide innovation steps for the community—for example, being the administrator of the Al-Falah mosque with his colleagues. The mosque in Sragen has even become a national pilot mosque with various facilities.
Baca Juga : Tiga Mahasiswa FEB UMM Lulus Tanpa Skripsi
Then there is the attitude of Birul Walidain and always reading the Koran. According to him, all things done must begin with communication with God. That way, all affairs can be facilitated and launched. STW's attitude also includes praying on time accompanied by inspiration.
"Inspiring is the abbreviation of the morning and frequent infaq. When giving alms, the angels in the morning will pray for us to be bestowed with sustenance by Allah SWT. Finally, all things consumed must be halal. Because with halal capital, halal roads, and halal consumption, it will give halal results and blessings too," he said.
Meanwhile, the Rector of UMM, Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd. Reminding the graduates that they are no longer students but have become scholars. This change in status also gives graduates social and religious responsibilities. According to him, they have no other choice but to show themselves as uswah treasures anywhere and anytime.
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So, self-confidence, firm commitment, and responsibility are attitudes that must always be maintained. Fauzan encourages the graduates to realize that they are scholars born by a university with an international reputation. Of course, this makes them seen in terms of competence and the universities that have graduated them.
"From now on, you can no longer sit idly by and wait. However, it must be the initiator to initiate and execute actions that provide benefits to the wider community," he stressed.
On the same occasion, a handover was held for one of the doctoral graduates who died and had not yet had time to attend the graduation ceremony. He is Dr. Abdul Ghozin M.Pd.I, a man born in Mojokerto who is also the caretaker of the Hafidzin Islamic Boarding School. The handover of the diploma was given directly by the chancellor to the family representative of Abdul Ghozin. (cdr/wil)