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Salahudin when delivering a scientific oration at the Yudisium. (Photo: Istimewah) |
The practice of corruption in Greater Malang that dragged several government officials to bars became the topic of scientific speeches at the Judiciary of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Period III 2021. The judicial event was held on Tuesday (31/8) at the Sengkaling Recreational Park, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). As for Dr. Salahudin, M.Si, M.PA, a political expert on FISIP UMM's government, explained the network of corrupt practices that he researched in front of 296 virtual judicial participants.
Salahudin said that political actors involved in corrupt practices in Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City were generally carried out by regional heads and echelon I-III officials. Then also supported by parliamentary politician actors. According to the doctoral research in Political Science, there are group, personal, and business interests involved so that the jointly formulated APBD policies do not favor the community's interests.
"This corrupt practice is supported by political networks that involve politics of influence and politics of domination. Influence politics uses political power to influence other actors. At the same time, the politics of domination encourages the ruling elite to take dominance in decision-making. They are also the ones who will influence the authority of other actors so that they can control policymaking, "said Salahudin.
As explained by Salahudin, it can be seen that the network of corruption has deep roots in the three related cities. The deterioration that occurs is also shaped through a politically regulated design. According to him, there is a business interest in the format formed to control budget policies and ultimately lead to budget corruption.
"The practice of corruption gives us a picture as academics that the burden we carry will be much heavier. There needs to be a joint movement to raise awareness to change the government structure and take real action. Other than that, it is to minimize the practice of corruption in our respective regions," he said.
The judicial administration uses a blended system and strict health protocol standards, which can also watch this event through the live streaming of FISIP UMM Youtube. Met on the same occasion, Zaenal Abidin, M.Si as the chairman of the judiciary committee, said that the selection of the outdoor venue was aimed at giving a different impression. "We want to provide a stunning appearance for prospective graduates. That's why we chose outdoors rather than indoors, which is usually done, "said Zaenal.
In the third period yudisium, the first best at the faculty level was obtained by Ani Nuraini from the Social Welfare Study Program with a GPA of 3.96. Then the second-best was won by a prospective graduate from the International Relations Study Program named Cindy Rezma Fanny with a GPA of 3.90. At the same time, the third-best was obtained by Syaqila Febriani Noor Muthia from the Social Welfare Study Program with a GPA of 3.87. (apg/syi/wil)