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Ramadhan Safari Giving UMM academic community values and generous spirit. (Photo: Wildan PR UMM) |
AR. Fachruddin always encourages Muslims to become rich people. But still doing prayers, giving alms, establishing qiyamul lail, trying for waqf, and other good deeds. It was conveyed by Dr. Khozin, M.Si., at the Safari Ramadan, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), last Tuesday (5/4). This time, the Safari Ramadan agenda targeted employees in some business units owned by UMM, such as Rayz Hotel, Sengkaling, Kapal Garden, and others.
Khozin, his nickname, continued by mentioning actions that make people loved by God and fellow human beings. One of them is getting used to the attitude of zuhud. According to him, the meaning and interpretation of zuhud continue to develop over time. In the past, zuhud was interpreted as hating the world, turning to aspects of a hereafter, then deciding only to choose God.
"But now zuhud is understood as an attitude that views the world proportionally and reasonably," he added.
Furthermore, he also explained that Muhammadiyah could be seen from various sides. Muhammadiyah can be seen as an ideology or value, movement, religious understanding, and even an organization. If seen as a movement, Muhammadiyah has developed many things in various aspects such as health, education, and social-economic factors.
"From there were born thousands of business charities whose purpose is not only for economic efforts but also efforts to spread virtue to others. Besides that, it is also an effort to empower the people to create a truly Islamic society. Therefore, in this Ramadan, let us always do good and don't forget to spread kindness to others," he said.
On the other hand, UMM Chancellor Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd., said that this fasting month is the right moment for self-reflection. That way, humans can try to behave well and accept the task at hand. Ramadan can also be a moment to improve services accompanied by kindness such as friendliness and courtesy to clients in each business unit belonging to the White Campus.
According to Fauzan, holding back hunger and thirst is just a ritual. The most important thing to note is how we evaluate ourselves. Eliminate what is not good while enhancing aspects that are already good. "To carry out such a way of thinking, it is necessary to have introspection and continuous reflection," he said.
He also encouraged the employees in UMM's business unit to be someone who brought fresh air. Solve problems that arise in the community. It is not even a source of problems that afflict the people.
The Secretary of the Dairy Development Board (BPH) UMM, Drs. Wakidi. According to him, the fathers and mothers of employees in the White Campus business unit spearhead in spreading goodness and da'wah. The da'wah is not only done with lectures but also shows behavior that is more polite, friendly, familiar, and kind to anyone.(cdr/wil)