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Dr. Gautam Khumar Jha Ph.D conveying his materials (Photo: Rizki PR) |
The evolution of the industrialized world into a post-industrial one brings new challenges to human life. The development of technology and information in the post-industrial era is inevitable and creates some serious challenges. Such as social changes, educational changes, and the most crucial one is the change in nature.
Corresponding to this, Dr. Gautam Khumar Jha Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India said that this revolution led to changes in social patterns. For example, the changes in globalization that created consumption habits that show a person's social status or wealth.
"This is known as the conspicuous consumption habit, where individuals compete to buy luxury goods for social status in society," he said at the Seminar Internasional Berbahasa Indonesia (SIBI) held by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FSPS) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) on November 21st.
The agenda entitled 'Post Industrial Effects in the Climate Change Crisis' was attended by hundreds of academicians from various parts of the world. Some came from Australia, Hawaii, India, Thailand, Vietnam, and others. There were also experts from many countries with a various interesting topics presented.
Furthermore, Khumar said that the changing of economic activities in society can cause a great impact on the environment. This consumptive pattern of society is the result of the accelerated information and communication dissemination in the global society. As a result, false needs arise from society to fulfill their social desires.
"Therefore, the industry needs to create a sustainable product for the sustainability of the industrial world. It is not just products that quickly become obsolete and end up polluting the environment," he added.
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One of the solutions that he provides is to apply local wisdom to the global community to create sustainable wisdom. Thus, it can solve the problem of climate change. "For example, traditional medicine in Indonesia and India reflects cultural heritage and environmental awareness," he added.
Meanwhile, Islahuddin, M.A. from Fatoni University, Thailand confirmed that education can be a solution to environmental management and social sustainability. Education changes people's understanding of environmental sustainability. One of the implementations is Islamic education that can create solidarity and equity among religious communities.
" It would be interesting if it is brought into the religious perspective in creating an environmental sustainability system," added Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Si, the Vice Chancellor I of UMM.
Syamsul hopes that religious education will improve the understanding of the environment and change the behavior and mindset of the community. As Muhammadiyah did through its 111th Milad last year. It has a goal and is committed to creating a safe and peaceful environment.
He also said that the international seminar was the perfect forum for the practitioners and academicians to express their ideas. Especially related to the environment and climate change. In addition, it is also a good place to practice the use of Bahasa Indonesia, considering that this seminar uses Bahasa as the main language. (*tri/wil/put)