Submission of Superior Accreditation Decree to the Rectorof UMM (Photo: Syifa/ PR of UMM) |
The University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) continues to prove its quality through various things. One of them is reflected in the achievement of the Superior accreditation, which was obtained by UMM some time ago. The accreditation achievement is stated in Decree No. 858/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/PT/IX/2021, which was submitted on Tuesday (26/10) at Rayz Hotel UMM.
The Rector of UMM, Dr. Fauzan, M.Pd, was proud of the achievements obtained by UMM. Fauzan continued that this achievement was achieved because of the hard work of all existing elements. This Outstanding Achievement also illustrates the credibility of UMM in implementing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.
"The achievement of this Superiors accreditation is a form of the seriousness of campus management in running universities. We can’t say that we are strong and great, but we have to prove it through accreditation," said Fauzan.
Fauzan continued that with the achievement of this superior accreditation, the burden received by UMM would be heavier. He said that a high responsibility always accompanies a heightened predicate. Especially in carrying out the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.
"Our future challenges will be even more difficult. We must be able to adapt and change the mindset of institutions from the smallest to the largest units to continue to innovate in the future," said the Rector born in Kediri.
In line with The Rector of UMM, as the Dairy Development Board (BPH) UMM secretary, Drs. H. Wakidi expressed his pride in the achievements achieved by UMM. He continued that of all Muhammadiyah universities, only UMM and UMY have so far managed to achieve this superior accreditation.
"On behalf of the Daily Supervisory Board (BPH), we would like to thank the Rector as commander for successfully bringing the name of UMM. Not only at the national level but also internationally. The cohesiveness of this team needs to be maintained continuously. Even with efforts to encourage the quality of UMM to improve continually, "said Wakidi.
On the other hand, the head of the UTI team, Dr. Ainur Rofieq. M.Kes, said that in the future UMM will face Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Peringkat Akreditasi (PEPA). Three elements must be fought for: aspects of permanent lecturers, internal quality assurance, and scientific publications. "We have to keep what we have been trying to do so far because there is still a lot of hard work. Hopefully we can maintain this accreditation," he concluded. (cdr/syi/wil)