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Suasana bedah dan launching buku terbaru tentang Malik Fadjar bertajuk “Gagasan Progresif Abdul Malik Fadjar”. (Foto: Wildan Humas) |
The splendor of the 48th Muhammadiyah Congress was felt in various aspects. One of them is in the literacy aspect, as carried out by the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) on November 17, 2022. Through Smart Reading House (RBC), UMM held a review and launched the latest book about Malik Fadjar, "Abdul Malik Fadjar's Progressive Ideas." Present as a surgeon Abd. Rohim Ghazali is the Executive Director of Maarif Institute, and Moh, Mudzakkir, Ph.D., is a young Muhammadiyah activist.
An interesting discussion was conveyed by Rohim, his nickname, by comparing the figure of Malik Fadjar with Buya Syafii Maarif. According to him, the two Muhammadiyah figures have apparent similarities, namely from both activists. Not just an activist but an intellectual activist who has bright ideas and is involved in the community's social life.
Even though they are both intellectual activists, they have differences in their movements. Malik Fadjar directly entered the bureaucracy by becoming director general to minister. Meanwhile, Buya did not enter the bureaucracy, which made him very independent.
"It doesn't mean Pak Malik is not independent. They are evidenced by innovation and structural change. Pak Malik is a figure who moves, not even regulated by the bureaucracy. Unlike now, many people are regulated by the bureaucracy and enter their circle," he said.
Read also: UMM Exhibits Robot to Metaverse at MITE Muhammadiyah Expo
Malik Fadjar is also considered to have inclusive and substantial religious thoughts. He thinks about the content rather than the shell. More concerned with the value in it than the standard form. It can be seen from his support for the policy of pesantren graduates who can enter various universities, not limited to Islamic campuses but also in general. So, according to him, Abdul Malik Fadjar's book Progressive Ideas is exciting to read and discuss.
Meanwhile, Mudzakkir said that there are five chapters contained in the book. One chapter frames Malik Fadjar, and the other four examine the spirit of his progressive ideas. According to him, reading a book is incomplete without knowing the background of Malik Fadjar, his father and mother, and his education. His father was a teacher who taught at several schools in areas such as Purworejo, Kulonprogo, and Borobudur.
"Then he met Malik Fadjar's mother at the palace. Interestingly, his mother is a direct student of Kyai Dahlan," he said.
Meanwhile, Malik Fadjar was also enrolled in the education of a religious teacher and was sent to Taliwang, Sumbawa. He co-founded the Muhammadiyah educational institution there. Mudzakkir also said that Malik Fadjar had just entered college at the age of 23 and graduated at the age of 30. Malik is also active in the organization and shares his ideas until he can fly to Florida State University to receive a master's education. He later became director general and minister.
"So this book will describe interesting ideas from him. From there, we can also maintain the spirit of Abdul Malik Fadjar well," he said.
Several young Muhammadiyah intellectuals such as Hasnan Bachtiar, Hamzan Fansuri, Andar Nubowo, Fitrah Hamdani, Zaki Faddad, Jumaldi Affi, Ahmad Fuad Fanani, Maharina Novi, Fauzia Mona Atalina, Nafik Muthohirin to Rahmat Rusma also attended the book launch and review. Some of them are doctoral candidates at major foreign universities. (cdr/wil)