UMM holds a digital marketing workshop with Kediri SMEs (Photo: Two Bagus/ PR of UMM) |
The University of Muhammadiyah Malang Again spread the benefits. This time the group of Mobil Kamis Membaca (KaCa), Mobil Bioskop Keliling (Bioling), and Mobil Bakti Terhadap Bangsa (Terbang) drove to Kediri City last Tuesday (26/10). The trio of flagship cars from the White Campus shared their knowledge through a digital marketing workshop for MSMEs located at Loji Café, Kediri. In addition, it also provides spectacle through the agenda of watching together (nobar).
During the workshop, Head of the Department of Industry and Trade Kediri City, Tanto Wijohari, S.Pd. S.H. assessed that this activity could be one of the driving forces for "UMKM" in the City of Tofu to be more creative. Furthermore, he also wants to see the development of community businesses that can return to being active as before the pandemic struck.
"We are grateful to UMM for carrying out this program well. Hopefully, it can run smoothly, and the participants can also gain better knowledge and insight related to digital marketing so that they can advance the business," hoped Tanto.
There were also two presenters and a team of UMM student influencers who invited participants to discuss—starting with an explanation regarding the importance of e-money for "UMKM" actors by Iqbal Ramadhani M.SM. He mentioned several benefits of using e-money, such as cheaper and more manageable, safe, and good alternatives to transparency that can be more accountable.
He said that "However, we also need to be aware of the risks and challenges that will be faced. It Needs a good understanding of cybersecurity that later lurks. Even with data management and security as well as technological limitations in some areas."
Meanwhile, Arum Martikasari M. Med. Kom, appointed as the second speaker, discussed social media marketing. Especially in the aspect of business development that has been or will be owned by the participants.
Uniquely, she invited the participants to find the target market by assuming overlapping pecels. According to her, the steps to determine the target market can reduce the cost of the promotion. Arum, his nickname, also invited participants to see who is suitable for using the products being marketed. Then imagine when and why they need it.
"From there, we can identify the target market we are going to. At least it can reduce the number of expenses in the aspect of promotion and promote the business that you are running," he continued.
Not only a theory, the UMM student influencer team was also brought in to share how to edit photo and video content. Starting from choosing the right angle, how to edit easily and quickly to upload it to get good engagement.
The Bioling car was also deployed and prepared to provide an educational spectacle in the residents' area. Rino Anugrawan as the UMM Bioling Car coordinator, said that there were more than a hundred spectators who attended and enlivened the agenda. Especially with the various quizzes, games, and prizes given before the film is shown. Even so, this event still adheres to strict health protocols.
In the end, Rino concluded, "We certainly hope that the entertainment and education that we provide through the Mobile Cinema can spread benefits to all those who attend." (cdr/wil)