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Dr. Ir. Arief Yahya M.Sc., menteri pariwisata Republik Indonesia tahun 2014 yang membagikan wawasan mengenai transformasi bisnis digital yang tengah menjadi perhatian global (Foto : Lintang Humas) |
University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) once again held a guest lecture featuring the inspiring figure in the world of business and tourism. It was Dr. Ir. Arief Yahya M.Sc., minister of tourism of the Republic of Indonesia in 2014 who shared insights on on the global focus on digital business transformation. The agenda was held on Friday, September 27.
Furthermore, Yahya emphasized the importance of human capital in facing the rapidly growing digital era. Humans are now living in a digital vortex, so it is necessary to prepare human resources that are able to keep up with the dynamics of technological change. According to him, every individual must have digital competence in order to compete in an increasingly complex business environment. The vortex concept is the main focus this time. The world is currently moving very fast in various sectors thanks to advances in digital technology.
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“There are three main factors in this concept. They are supporting regulations, qualified human resources, and the latest technology. All three must run simultaneously. Without these three things, digital business transformation will only be a discourse,” Arief explained.
In addition, Yahya revealed the importance of regulations and technology in supporting the development of digital transformation in 14 industrial centers. A paradigm shift in facing the digital industrial revolution is also important. Moreover, the industrial world is now different from before. There are 14 industrial vortexes that move quickly. All require a touch of innovation, proactive regulation, and smart technological adaptation. He emphasized that each of these vortices has challenges and opportunities that must be anticipated early on. So it is important to have the right strategy to face the digital era.
To realize the transformation in the 14 industrial vortices, Arief said there are two important strategies that must be considered, namely corporate level strategy and functional level strategy. “At the corporate level, we talk about how the company as a large entity can respond to changes as a whole. While at the functional level, each division or function within the company must have high adaptability,” he explained.
Arief believes that both strategies are crucial for millennials to grasp. Millennials must recognize their role as agents of change in the digital age, understanding not just the technology itself but also how to leverage it to enhance efficiency and competitiveness.
In addition, Arief Yahya also revealed the criteria that a company must have to be called a great digital company. He explained that a successful digital company must have three main values, namely cost value, experience value, and platform value.
“Cost value is how companies can offer products or services at a more efficient cost. Experience value is related to customer experience, and platform value is the company's ability to build a digital platform that supports innovation and collaboration,” said Arief.
Arief cited several global companies that have been successful in implementing these three values. “Companies like Google, Amazon, and Alibaba have proven that they can create platforms that are not only cost-efficient, but also offer great customer experiences,” he said.
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On the other hand, UMM Vice Rector IV Muhamad Salis Yuniardi, M.Psi, PhD. assessed that the guest lecture was very relevant for two reasons. First, a qualified speaker who indeed has long experience in the digital world, namely Mr. Arief Yahya. Second, the conditions in which technology is developing rapidly and filled with digital activities. So, this will be important material for students who do live in the digital world.
“For example, what happened in my field, psychology. In the past, if people wanted counseling, they preferred to meet face-to-face. But now it's different, many people prefer online consultations which they find convenient. So job opportunities are also open. Especially for those psychologists who are housewives. They can earn a fortune by providing online consultations on various platforms,” she said. (ri/wil/fajr)